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2010 Wireless Phone Satisfaction
2010. 9. 29. 23:50
이미 LG전자가 뿌린 보도자료를 통해 알려진 바와 같이 JD Power의 '2010 하반기 일반휴대폰 고객만족도 조사'에서 LG전자가 4회 연속 1위를 했다. 사실 해당 보고서는 소비자들이 던진 점수로 인해 순위만 정하는 단순한 보고서는 아니고, 다양한 소비 행태를 조사한다. 아래는 보고서에 언급된 주요 내용이다.
- Among traditional handset owners, 25 percent report frequently sending and receiving multimedia and picture messages— an increase of 25 percent from just six months ago. Smartphone users are nearly twice as likely to share multimedia messages.
- Nearly one-fifth (17%) of smartphone owners with touch screens report frequently downloading and watching video content on their device.
- Global Positioning System capabilities are a desired feature among both traditional mobile phone and smartphone users. More than one-third (35%) of traditional mobile phone owners want GPS features on their next handset purchase, while 15 percent of smartphone owners want GPS.
- Younger users continue to be more satisfied with their handset, regardless of whether it is a traditional mobile phone or a smartphone. Traditional mobile phone users aged 18 to 24 rate their handset 35 index points above segment average, while smartphone users of the same age bracket rate their handset 18 index points above segment average.
- Mobile applications continue to enhance the smartphone user experience. Sixty percent report downloading third-party games for entertainment, while 46 percent report downloading travel software such as maps and weather applications. Thirty-one percent report downloading utility applications, while 26 percent report downloading business-specific programs, indicating that smartphone owners are seamlessly integrating their devices into both their business and personal lives.